Professor Giorgetti is a prolific writer. She has authored or edited twelve books and over 80 articles, book chapters and shorter pieces. Her research focuses on topics related to international investment arbitration, public international law, international dispute resolution, including ethics and investment arbitration reform. The complete list of her publications is available here.
Her most representative writings are highlighted below.
International Investment Arbitration
Commentary of the Code of Conduct for Arbitrators – Article by Article (with Michele Potesta, eds.) (Kluwer, forthcoming).
Ethics and Investor State Dispute Settlement (with Catharine Titi, eds.) (Brill, forthcoming).
The Selection And Removal Of Arbitrators In Investor-State Dispute Resolution (Brill Research Perspectives in International Investment Law and Arbitration, 2019).
Litigating International Investment Disputes - A Practitioner’s Guide (C. Giorgetti ed.) (Brill Nijhoff Publisher, 2014).
Time and the Settlement of Investor-State Disputes: Running On or Out of Time?, in Time and International Adjudication (Brill | Nijhoff) (with Craig Gaver) (December 2024).
The Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Low Hanging Fruit in the ISDS Reform Process, 14 (2) Journal Of International Dispute Settlement (2023), 176-191.
Challenges Decisions in International Investment Arbitration, in Hélène Ruiz Fabri and Edoardo Stoppioni (eds.) International Investment Law – An Analysis Of The Major Decisions (Hart, 2022).
An Empirical Assessment of Challenges of Arbitrators in International Investment Tribunals in Empirical Perspectives On The Legitimacy Of International Investment Tribunals (D. Behn, O. K. Fauchald and M. Langford eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Independence and Impartiality in Investment Dispute Settlement: Assessing Challenges and Reform Options, 21 Journal Of World Investment & Trade (2020) 441-474 (with S. Ratner, J. Dunoff, S. Hamamoto, L. Nottage, S. Schill and M. Waibel).
The Diversity Deficit in International Investment Arbitration, 21 Journal Of World Investment & Trade(2020) 410–440 (with A. K. Bjorklund, D. Behn, S. D. Franck, W. Kidane, A. de Nanteuil and E. Onyema).
Between Legitimacy and Control: Challenges and Recusals of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals, 49 George Washington International Law Review 101 (2016).
Who Decides Who Decides In International Investment Arbitration?, 35 University Of Pennsylvania Journal Of International Law 431 (2014).
Is The Truth In The Eyes Of The Beholder? The Perils And Benefits Of Empirical Research In International Investment Arbitration, 12 Santa Clara Journal Of International Law 263 (2014) (symposium piece).
The International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, in The Rules, Practice, And Jurisprudence Of International Courts And Tribunals (C. Giorgetti ed.) (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2012) (with C. Lamm and M. Uran).
The Yukos Interim Awards on Jurisdiction and Admissibility Confirms Provisional Application of Energy Charter Treaty, ASIL Insight, Aug. 2010, Vol. 14, No. 23. On-line at:
Interim Measures and Dismissal Under the 2006 ICSID Rules, in The Future Of Investment Arbitration (R. P. Alford and C. A. Rogers, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2009) (with C. B. Lamm and H. Pham).
Costs and Their Apportionment in International Investment Arbitration, Int’l Disp. Quarterly (Fall 2009).
International Dispute Resolution
Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions (Edward Elgar Publishing) (with Patrick Pearsall and Hélène Ruiz Fabri, eds.) (December 2023)
International Claims Commissions – Righting Wrongs After Conflict (with Lea Brilmayer and Lorrain Charlton) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017).
Challenges And Recusal Of Arbitrators And Judges In International Courts And Tribunals (C. Giorgetti ed.) (Brill Nijhoff Publisher, 2015).
The Rules, Practice, and Jurisprudence of International Courts and Tribunals (C. Giorgetti ed.) (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012) (paper-back copy 2013).
International Claims Commissions: Learning from the Past, Looking at the Future (with P. W. Pearsall & H. Ruiz-Fabri), in Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions 1 (Chiara Giorgetti, Patrick W. Pearsall & Hélène Ruiz-Fabri eds., 2023).
Creating an International Compensation Mechanism for Ukraine (with P. Pearsall), in Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions 292 (Chiara Giorgetti, Patrick W. Pearsall & Hélène Ruiz-Fabri eds., 2023).
International Administrative Tribunals, in Independence And Impartiality Of International Adjudicators (G. Cordero-Moss eds) (Larcier Intersentia, 2023).
Beyond Fragmentation: Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation And Competition Among International Courts And Tribunals (with Mark Pollack) in Beyond Fragmentation: Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation And Competition Among International Courts And Tribunals (Giorgetti and Pollack eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
International Claims Commissions: Salient Procedural Issues, in Max Planck Encyclopedia Of International Procedural Law (H. Ruiz-Fabri ed.) (Oxford University Press, 2021).
International Courts and Tribunals in the USA and in Europe – The Increasingly Divided West, in Whither The West? Debates On Concepts Of International Law In Europe And The United States (Giorgetti and Verdirame eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Are International Mass Claims Commissions the Right Mechanism to Provide Redress to Individuals Injured Under International Law? in Resolving Conflicts In The Law, Liber Amicorum – Lea Brilmayer (Giorgetti & Klein, eds.) (Brill, 2019).
Rethinking the Individual in International Law, 22(4) Lewis & Clark Law Review 1085 (2018).
What Happens After a Judgment is Given? - Judgment Compliance and the Performance of International Courts & Tribunals, in The Performance Of International Courts And Tribunals (T. Squatrito, O. R. Young, A. Føllesdal and G. Ulfstein eds.), (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
International Adjudicative Bodies, in Oxford Handbook Of International Organizations (Cogan, Hurd, Johnstone eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2017).
Public International Law
Nationality - Procedural and Substantive Aspects, in Commentary On General International Law In International Investment Law (M. Waibel and A. Kulick, eds.) (Oxford University Press, 2024).
Strengthening the General Assembly, in Reinvigorating the United Nations (M. Kornprobt and S. Redo eds., 2024).
Commentary to Article 28 and 29, in Articles On State Responsibility For Internationally Wrongful Acts – A Commentary (P. Galvao Teles and P. Bodeau Livinic, eds.) (Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
Eighth Annual Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Sanctions, Immunity, and Central Bank Assets, 117 Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 199-210 (Cambridge University Press (CUP)) (2023).
Beyond Fragmentation: Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation And Competition Among International Courts And Tribunals (with Mark Pollack, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Of Gardeners and Bees: Theorizing the Actors of Cross-Fertilization (with Mark Pollack) in Beyond Fragmentation: Cross-Fertilization, Cooperation And Competition Among International Courts And Tribunals (Giorgetti and Pollack eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
Whither the west? Debates on concepts of international law in europe and the united states (with Guglielmo Verdirame, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
Between Flexibility and Stability: Ad Hoc Procedures and/or Judicial Institutions? in Reconceptualising The Rule Of Law In Global Governance, Resources, Investment And Trade (Hart Publishers, 2016).
International Norms and Standards Applicable to Situations of State Fragility and Failure, in International Financial Institutions And Global Legal Governance (D. Bradlow, H. Cisse and B. Kindsbury eds.), World Bank Legal Review, Vol. 3 (2011, peer reviewed).
A Principled Approach To State Failure, International Community Actions In Emergency Situations(Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2010).
Should International Law Be Concerned About State Failure?, 16(2) ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L. (2010).
ISDS Reform & Other Emerging Issues
The Transformation of International Organizations—Specialization, New Initiatives, and Working Methods—Some Observations on the Work of UNCITRAL Working Group III, Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 26, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 40– 50,
At the Intersection of Diplomacy and International Law: the ISDS Reform Process, in Research Handbook On Law And Diplomacy (D. Stewart and P. McGuinness, eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022).
Model Green Investment Treaty: International Investment and Climate Change, 36(1) Journal Of International Arbitration 1(2019) 85 (with D. Magraw et al.).
Health and International Investment Law, in Research Handbook On Global Health Law (G.L. Burci and B.C.A. Toebes eds.) (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018).
Reforming International Investment Arbitration - An Introduction (Special Issue) 18 Law And Practice Of International Courts And Tribunals 300 (2019, published 2020) (with Laura Létourneau-Tremblay, Daniel Behn and Malcolm Langford)
International Health Emergencies in Failed and Failing States, 44 Georgetown Journal Of International Law 1347 (2013).
Security and Human Rights: Is a Compromise Necessary to Combat Terrorism?, in Europe Confronts Terror (K. Von Hippel ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
The Application of International Environmental Obligations in Italian Courts in International Environmental Law In National Court (M. Andersen and P. Galizzi eds.), The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2002 (with P. Galizzi).
From Rio to Kyoto: A Study of the Involvement of NGOs in the Negotiations on Climate Change, NYU Environmental Law Journal, Fall 1998.
Environmental and Business NGOs in the Climate Change Negotiations, Colorado Journal Of International Environmental Law And Policy, Winter 1998.
Selected Blogposts
The Register of Damages for Ukraine Opens for Claims Submissions, Just Security, April 2, 2024.
A Significant New Step in the Creation of An International Compensation Mechanism for Ukraine, Just Security, July 27, 2023 (with P. Pearsall).
Historic UNGA Resolution Call for Ukraine Reparations, (with M. Kliuchkovsky, P. Pearsall and J. K. Sharpe), Just Security, 16 November 2022.
Launching an International Claims Commission for Ukraine, (with M. Kliuchkovsky and P. Pearsall), Just Security and EJILTalk!, 20 May 2022.
The Second Draft of the Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in International Investment Disputes: Towards a Likely Agreement?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 19 April 2021.
The Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: An Important Step Forward in the Reform Process? EJILTalk! 13 Aug. 2020.
ICSID and UNCITRAL Publish the Anticipated Draft of the Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2 May 2020.
Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators in Investor-State Arbitration: Perceived Problems and Possible Solutions, EJILTalk! 4 April 2019.