
Professor Giorgetti has acted as adjudicator, counsel, and expert in numerous State-to-State and investor-State disputes for over twenty-five years. Her practice spans a variety of industries and issues, including environmental matters and climate change, damages and post-conflict reparations, territorial and maritime disputes, sovereign debt, and construction.

Adjudicator and Counsel

  • Vice-Chair of the Board of the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Since Nov. 2023 - one of seven elected members of the Board established by the Council of Europe to register claims for damage, injury and loss brought by individuals, companies and the State arising out of Russia’s aggression of Ukraine. Over 14,000 claims filed and 800 reviewed and registered as of February 2025.

  • Member of Ad Hoc Conciliation Commission, Qatar v. United Arab Emirates, Article 11, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) - one of the five conciliators in a Commission which for the time heard a State-State case under the CERD Convention – nominated by CERD.

  • Senior Counsel and Counsel in the International Arbitration Groups of White & Case (Washington, DC) and Lalive (Geneva) (2002-2011). Representative cases include acting for a class of over 100,000 claimants in Abaclat and others v. Argentine Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/5); acting for Respondent in EDF v. Romania (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/13) and Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide v. Republic of the Philippines (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/25).

  • Counsel in several inter-States cases, including: Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission (for Eritrea), Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission (for Eritrea), Eritrea-Yemen Boundary Dispute (for Eritrea), UN Compensation Commission (F4 large and Complex Claims on Damages to the Environments, representing Iraq, for claims valued at several USD billions).

  • Counsel for the African Union in the Advisory Opinion on Climate Change at the International Court of Justice. 


  • Expert in several investor-State disputes (including under ICC and ICSID rules) and domestic proceedings related to application of international law principles, international investment law, awards set-aside and vacatur, ethics standards - acting on behalf of both investors and respondent States. Recent cases include Eiser Infrastructure Limited and Energía Solar Luxembourg S.à r.l. v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/36) and Grupo Unidos por el Canal v. ACP (II)ICC Case No. 20910.

  • Advisor and expert for several governments, international NGOs and international organizations, including African Union, European Union, on matters related to state immunity, sanctions, international investment law, reform to Investor-State Dispute Resolution, Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in ISDS.

  • Expert Advisor to the Republic of San Marino on international arbitration and on the drafting and enactment of new international commercial arbitration legislation and ISDS Reform (2023-2024).

Panels of Arbitrators

  • ICSID Panels of Arbitrators and Conciliators, Panelist designated by the Government of San Marino

  • Arbitrator and trade and sustainable development (TSD) expert, European Union roster, appointed by the European Commission

  • Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Reserve Panel of Arbitrators.

Other Relevant Appointments

  • Delegate to the UNCITRAL Working Group III on Reform of the Investor State Dispute Settlement - on behalf of San Marino and of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) (an NGOs with observer status).

  • Member of the US Department of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law.   

  • Scholar in Residence at ICSID Secretariat - One of the principal authors of the First Draft of Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement proceedings.   

  • Judicial clerk at the International Court of Justice, working with four judges on all the cases in their docket (selected by Yale Law School).

  • Advisor to the US Representative on several UNIDROIT matters. 

  • Senior Fellow at the International Claims and Reparations Project, Columbia Law School.

  • Co-Chair ASIL Task Force on Climate Change and ISDS.